所(組)別:英國語文學研究所              考試科目:英文作文
If each country is solely responsible for its own well-being, poorly managed ones will suffer.  But they can learn from experience.  They may mend their ways, and learn to budget for infrequent but certain emergencies.  For example, the weather varies from year to year, and periodic crop failures are certain.  A wise and competent government saves out of the production of the good years in anticipation of bad years to come.  Yet the great majority of the governments in the world today do not follow such a policy.  They lack either the wisdom or the competence, or both.  Should those nations that do manage to put something aside be forced to come to the rescue each time an emergency occurs among the poor nations?
Develop your own argumentation on the basis of the issue mentioned in the above passage.  Neither the length nor the style of your writing is restricted; however, the essay produced should be well organized and fully developed.
Contents    40%
Organization   40%
Language proficiency 20%
Total     100%