所(組)別:西洋文學研究所英國文學組     考試科目:翻譯(中英互譯)
I. 中譯英60%
1. 博愛之謂仁,行而宜之之謂義。由是而之焉之謂道,足乎已無待於外之謂德。
2. 古之學者必有師。師者,所以傳道、授業、解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能無惑?惑而不從師,其為惑也終不解矣!
3. 易曰脩辭立誠。子曰辭達而已。又曰言之無文,行之不遠。三者乃文章之正軌,亦即為譯事楷模。
II. 英譯中40%
    By a desperate effort, you start upright, breaking from a sort of conscious sleep, and gazing wildly round the bed, as if the fiends were any where but in your haunted mind.  At the same moment, the slumbering embers on the hearth send forth  a gleam which palely illuminates the whole outer room, and flickers through the door of the bed-chamber, but cannot quite dispel its obscurity.  Your eye searches for whatever may remind you of the living world.  With eager minuteness, you take note of the table near the fire-place, the book with an ivory knife between its leaves, the unfolded letter, the hat and the fallen glove.  Soon the flame vanishes, and with it the whole scene is gone, though its image remains an instant in your mind's eye, when darkness has swallowed the reality.  Throughout the chamber, there is the same obscurity as before, but not the same gloom within your breast.  As your head falls back upon the pillow, you think-in a whisper be it spoken-how pleasant in these night solitudes, would be the rise and fall of a softer breathing than your own, the slight pressure of a tenderer bosom, the quiet throb of a purer heart, imparting its peacefulness to your troubled one, as if the fond sleeper were involving you in her dream.